The Results Are In: How Does Your Company Encourage Health and Wellness?

In our February poll question, we asked how your company encourages health and wellness and the results were somewhat surprising. Of those who participated in the poll, nearly half (48.8%) said their company doesn’t offer any health and wellness programs or incentives. Slightly more than 35% said their company offers a comprehensive wellness plan and 16% said they don’t have an official plan in place, but their company does offer incentives for employees to meet wellness goals on their own.

There are a wide range of benefits to be reaped by companies that invest in a comprehensive wellness program. A recent study by Highmark, a health and wellness company, showed significant healthcare savings – $332 per participant on average – for companies with established wellness initiatives. It’s a simple concept; healthy employees have fewer healthcare needs.

Some of the most tangible benefits include:

  • Lower healthcare-related costs
  • Greater employee productivity
  • Reduced absenteeism
  • A boost to workplace morale
  • Encourages healthier lifestyles

In the past, wellness programs have typically been regarded as a nice perk, but not necessarily a key component to building a stronger, more well-rounded and productive workforce.  However, many companies are beginning to see the value in encouraging a healthier workforce.

So, where do you start?

No two wellness plans are the same, and a program that fits one company may not suit the needs of another. But, there are some key steps you can take to help ensure your wellness initiatives get started down the right path.

Get C-suite buy in – Support from the top down is imperative to ensuring a wellness program will be successful and well received by the company as a whole.

Find a leader – It’s important to designate someone – or a whole team – to manage your wellness program. It may even be necessary to get a third party involved, like your insurance company, for example.

Tailor it to your company – Talk to your employees and take their health concerns and goals into consideration to ensure you develop a program that meets your company’s specific needs.

How does your company support your wellness program? Have you seen any positive results among your workforce? Let us know in the comments section below.

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