Happy Anniversary: A Look Back at the Last 6 Years

RL02-22-2016The Refresh Leadership Blog is six years old today! To help us celebrate, take a look back with us at our top six posts of all time.

Six Quick Teamwork Games to Engage Employees at Work
“Sometimes, communication needs to be encouraged. And sometimes to be effective, communication must also be practiced. Research shows that team exercises not only improve communication and motivation among workers, but it also helps create a more cohesive and productive work environment. Here are six refreshing exercises that will help you encourage teamwork and communication in the office.”

7 Reasons Why Employees Leave: 4 You Can Control and 3 You Can’t
“When an employee you value resigns, it can be hard for you, your team, and your entire company. Knowing why they leave can help you expand the reasons for your employees to stay. You’ve invested in your employees. Keep your workforce strong and retain your most valuable assets – your people – by making it hard for them to want to leave.”

3 (Little) Things That Can Wreck a Team and How to Fix Them
“Like any relationship, the relationship you have with your workforce doesn’t just happen overnight. Creating an environment where you and your employees work together, interact, and relate to one another takes time and effort. But, building a great team is worth every second you invest.”

Why Is Your Top Talent Walking Out the Door?
“General Electric CEO, Jack Welch once said, ‘Any company trying to compete must figure out a way to engage the mind of every employee.’ A company’s greatest asset is its employees. Without a dedicated workforce of men and women who enjoy their job and take a special interest in its success, a company can’t survive.”

Leadership Traits that Stress Your Employees
“There is no such thing as a perfect leader. No matter how experienced you are, there is always something you can learn about your leadership style that will help strengthen the working relationship between you and your employees. So, even if you have a healthy rapport with your team, don’t forget to step back from time-to-time to ensure you haven’t unknowingly developed any of the following bad habits.”

5 Characteristics of Successful People and a Few Key Questions You Should Ask Yourself
“Who are the most successful people in business today? You could probably build quite an extensive list of innovators and visionaries who have built impressive careers and truly made a mark on the world. Even on a smaller scale in your local business and personal networks, there are probably people who just seem to have superior insight and always catch all the breaks.”

What are some of your favorite Refresh Leadership posts? What are some of your favorite posts from other blogs? Let know in the comments section below.

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