7 Free Ways to Motivate Your Employees This Summer

Summer-MotivationSometimes it stinks to work in the summertime. The kids are out of school. Everyone’s mind is on vacation or their upcoming weekend at the lake. And, all that cheery sunshine beckons to you from the window. But, work must go on.

If you and your team are experiencing the summer blues, here are some easy ways to make the workday a little more fun and motivate employees at the same time. And, the great thing is, it doesn’t have to cost you a dime!

1. Create a praise bulletin board.
Motivate and encourage employees with a designated spot to post praise and thank-you notes. You can use a bulletin board you already have, choose a blank wall for taping notes, or if you’re tech savvy, create a virtual board.

2. Let everyone makeover their job titles.
Acknowledge each person’s unique contribution to the team by allowing everyone to add some oomph to their job title. Allowing team members to designate themselves as a social media guru or director of first impressions will also help them focus on the value they add to the team. Plus, a little fun and creativity at work never hurt anyone!

3. Make every Thursday casual day, just because.
Or, you can pick Tuesday, Wednesday, or pay day. You might just be amazed at how much more productive your team is when they’re in jeans. And, most likely, they will answer the phone with an extra big smile as they enjoy the comfort of their favorite sneakers.

4. Every Friday, have a drawing for a sleep-in late Monday pass.
Throw everyone’s name in a bowl and draw out one name each week. Everyone will enjoy the anticipation of who wins. Plus, wouldn’t you have a better attitude on Monday afternoon if you had gotten a few extra hours of shut-eye?

5. Car pool to the closest park and play kickball for an afternoon.
The benefits of recess don’t have to end when you turn 18. Everyone could use a break and a chance to run off some steam. Forward the phones to voicemail, switch off with another department, or contract with an answering service so the phones are covered, and take this opportunity to strengthen your team.

6. Start a traveling trophy.
Do you have a random piece of artwork, decoration, or office supply that has been around forever and no one has claimed? Turn it into a traveling trophy that magically appears on someone’s desk when they return from vacation or after completing a big project.

7. Host a car wash at your company to benefit a local charity.
Giving is good for the soul, and that includes the soul of your team. So generate some good, clean fun (not to mention positive PR) by washing your co-workers’ cars one afternoon.

Creating a fun work environment for your employees is about more than just having a good time between eight and five. When workers have a positive outlook and enjoy going to work, it positively affects their customer service, morale, and productivity. What’s not to like about those kinds of results?

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