What We’re Reading Now: Thank God It’s Monday

PRD11RL_READING_FDo you look forward to Mondays? For most, the answer is probably a resounding “No!” Whether it’s because of a difficult team, lack of meaningful work, bad work conditions, or a multitude of other explanations, a lot of people don’t look forward to the start of the workweek. Understandably, some of the causes are not within your control, but there’s a different side to this question. Do the people you interact with at work look forward to Mondays?

If not, why? This is something you have a direct impact on! As Roxanne Emmerich points out in her book, Thank God It’s Monday, you have the power to make a difference in your employees, co-workers, and customers’ lives, even if your company isn’t as recognized for a fun, hip culture like companies such as Southwest Airlines or Zappos.

Be a Leader.
Whether it’s in your title and job description or not, you have to step up and be a leader. As Roxanne writes, “Leadership is not a position – it’s a way of being. It’s about being determined to make big things happen regardless of your position.” Do you want to look forward to coming in on Mondays? Do you want others to look forward to the start of the workweek too? Then make it happen. You can be the reason your team smiles as they walk through the doors on Monday morning. And that, in turn, will influence the experience your clients have when they interact with your department.

Hold on to a Vision.
As Roxanne quotes Robert Fritz as saying, “In the absence of a great dream, pettiness prevails.” Your projects, team, department, customers, and company deserve a vision to work toward. Having a vision for all aspects of your work experience will lead to great changes in the “Monday morning” attitude.

Whether you’re in the position to change your whole company or just your small team, Roxanne’s dream of employees that say “Thank God it’s Monday!” is a great one to adopt as your own. And, just imagine how productivity and profits will shoot up as people get excited about their work and their roles again!

3 Responses to What We’re Reading Now: Thank God It’s Monday

  1. Uve Knaak May 24, 2011 at 8:24 am #

    I always appreciate your articles but is the quote from Robert Fritz (under Hold On To Your Vision) correct??

    • Ashlie Turley May 25, 2011 at 1:46 pm #

      Actually, it isn’t correct. Thanks for following us so close and catching that mistake. We appreciate your readership!

  2. Sandi Hess May 25, 2011 at 9:56 am #

    Such a breath of fresh air 🙂
    Read Digest Enjoy Launch!

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