We’ve all been there—meeting fatigue is setting in, but there are still essential conversations to be had. In a survey by Atlassian, workers cited meetings as the top hurdle to productivity.
Whether the root cause is inefficient meetings or scheduling too many meetings for employees to be productive, there are ways to ease meeting fatigue without clearing everyone’s calendar. Mix up monotonous meetings and spur engagement for the team with unconventional meeting ideas.
Walking Meetings
Walking is a great way to clear your mind and refocus, and according to research, walking meetings can increase creativity by 81–100%. Your team can tap into their creativity without the usual distractions by getting into fresh air and sunshine or even walking and talking in the office building.
Coffee Meetings
Coffee chats are a great opportunity to make new connections, build relationships, and ask questions to benefit your career. Arranging for the team to meet at a local coffee shop is a good way to get out of the office and have more casual conversations. Meeting in a more relaxed atmosphere can inspire new ideas, collaboration, and camaraderie. If your team members aren’t coffee drinkers, lunch meetings can have the same effect.
Problem-Solving Meetings
When an issue needs to be addressed, a problem-solving meeting may be the means to a solution. These meetings allow the group to define a problem and discuss possible solutions to come to an agreed-upon resolution.
Tips for Meeting Effectively
- Only invite the necessary people, and communicate when attendance is optional
- Share an agenda in advance
- Stay on track and redirect off-topic conversations back to the meeting’s purpose
- Consider if information requires a meeting, or should be shared via email or another format
- Ensure one-on-one meetings are focused and productive

Last Updated on December 16, 2024