Why would you consider leaving your job?

100770415If you haven’t heard about the expected employee exodus yet, you soon will. News and employment sources from across the country have been warning of the large numbers of employees seeking new jobs and the upcoming increase in turnover for a while now. The highest estimate of the percentage of employees willing to change jobs is listed at 91% by CareerBuilder.

Based on recent research from Express Employment Professionals and CareerBuilder, almost half of employers are currently dealing with retention issues, while 41% are concerned with losing their best talent in the future. But, what about you? As a leader are you looking for another job as well? There’s been little differentiation between who exactly is seeking greener pastures, so we want to know:

2 Responses to Why would you consider leaving your job?

  1. Ruth Maynard August 2, 2011 at 1:39 pm #

    I am seeking employment in another area due to work place bullying. I can no longer take it and it is effecting my health and my work place refuses to nmke it stop after filing two complaints. Work place Bullying has become a very servere problem in the last year around the country and it is no wonder why workers go postal. Business owners have no idea what is really going on in thier business’s. Rouge Supervisors are left to run rampant and destroy work place peace.

    • CYNTHIA August 8, 2011 at 10:51 am #

      and sometimes the only solution is to copycat the bully at the time…no touching, or shouting…just mimic…it worked for me and we have silence from that corner of the ring…! Longsuffering and love is a wonderful weapon.

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