Why Do We Get Nervous?

From looming deadlines to job interviews to social encounters, our nerves sometimes get the best of us. However, the nervousness we feel in these situations is also the same exhilaration we get that helps us push through and succeed. Asap SCIENCE explains what causes nervousness and what to do to conquer these nerves. Check out the following video!

One of the most common situations that cause nervousness in the professional world is public speaking. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, 74% of people suffer from speech anxiety. In the video, Asap SCIENCE recommended to visualize success in that certain situation to boost confidence needed to overcome nervousness. Next time you are in a situation that causes you to be nervous, consider this technique.

How have you overcome your nerves? Are there any specific tactics you use to conquer anxiety? Let us know in the comments section below!

One Response to Why Do We Get Nervous?

  1. Joe Navarro March 27, 2014 at 11:20 am #

    With over 30 years of experience in ‘presenting’ in front of executive leaders and decision making, I usually:

    1. Make sure I am prepared- this reducing anxiety because the ‘unknown-becomes known’. Prepare well in advance.
    2. Check everything to make sure your tools work, your materials are in order and that I know my materials and audience. I spend a few minutes in advance getting to know my audience- on a personal level, greet them and have small talk with them.
    3. Take deep breaths and concentrate on positive outcome.

    Simple, but works for me. Thanks

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